We’ve done our best to make sure the plans below meet the needs of many people and businesses that may need this service for different things, however if a larger volume is required, please get in touch today to discuss.
Unlimited Jobs
Unlimited Approved Senders
Unlimited Recipients
50 TTS Call Alerts/month
Unlimited Jobs
Unlimited Approved Senders
Unlimited Recipients
250 TTS Call Alerts/month
Unlimited Jobs
Unlimited Approved Senders
Unlimited Recipients
1000 TTS Call Alerts/month
No. You can start today and end at any point.
An approved sender is an email address you’ve approved for processing, such as notifications@example.com
No. We ensure our system has enough capacity to meet demand. By guaranteeing calls every month, we’re able to offer a brilliant service.
No. Credits for calls are made in advance, once activated those calls have been guaranteed for that month.
To stop you need to go in via the dashboard under subsciptions
No. We’ll provide you with an email address that you can use with your system, any inbound emails aren’t seen by anyone and are deleted once processed.
Nothing is 100% reliable but our phone servers have multiple paths for calls to go. We’re big on having redundancies in place. Should anything go wrong, everything is being monitored so we can act quickly to get it resolved.